EGG WHITE PROTEIN is a formula for physically active people, containing egg white concentrate. It is a protein of high biological value.
Egg protein is an alternative to whey protein. Compared to vegetable sources, they have a better amino acid profile thanks to the perfect balance of essential amino acids. They are a good option for those who want to increase their dietary protein intake. Protein contributes to the growth of muscle mass and helps to maintain it.
Egg protein and whey protein - the key differences
Both egg white and whey protein-based supplements are complete proteins. This means that they contain all essential amino acids, i.e. those which our body is unable to produce on its own, and we need to provide them externally. Essential amino acids are essential for building and repairing all tissues.
Egg white and whey protein supplements provide a similar amount of protein. A serving of egg white based nutrition will contain around 22-25g of protein, a serving of whey protein based nutrition will contain 20-30g of protein.
The total calories per serving of both proteins are also comparable. A serving of protein made from egg whites alone provides around 100 kcal, a serving of whey protein supplements provides between 110 and 130 kcal, depending on the manufacturer and taste. The amount of fats and carbohydrates can vary depending on the product and brand. Whole egg whites (including yolks) will also contain more cholesterol.