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Iepazīstieties: uzlecošā kulinārijas zvaigzne Anna Dimpere

Meet: rising culinary star Anna Dimpere

When you visit the bookstore in five years' time, you'll be sure to find Anna Dimper's Healthy Recipes Cookbook in the cookbook section - we're absolutely sure of it. Already now, the young lady is delighting several thousand followers with her recipes on her Instagram account @ediens_un_vel and blog, and the number is growing rapidly. We invited Anna for a cup of coffee to get to know this active girl beyond her delicious recipes.

Seeing recipes in your Instagram account, it feels like you're a chef and pastry chef with 15 years of experience, but you're only 15 years old. How old were you and how did your passion for cooking start?

I love to spend time experimenting in the kitchen: ever since I can remember, I have always loved to cook, but usually something very simple and quick. I started cooking at the age of 14 and I'm still passionate about it.

Are there any chefs and pastry chefs who are your authorities and inspirations?

I have been into healthy eating for a little over a year. In the early days I was very inspired by Paula Freiman and many other fitness stars, but if we talk about now, no - I don't really have any chefs that I take inspiration from. I take inspiration from myself and my achievements.

Professionally, do you also plan to connect your future with cooking and an active lifestyle?

At the moment I am very interested and passionate about these topics, so I am thinking about my future in this field.

Maybe in the future you are planning to write your own cookbook? Because we think we should!

Thank you! To be honest, I have thought about a cookbook. I suppose in the future this idea will be realised.

Then you know we will be first in line for it. Speaking of food, what is the most unusual thing you have eaten? And maybe there is something unusual that you would really like to cook yourself?

Probably the most unusual dish I have eaten is oysters. I don't like them fresh, but fried they are quite tasty and enjoyable. At the moment I am trying to get the macaroni perfect - it's a long process that needs attention, but I'm still working on it.

Your family and friends must be excited about your hobby. It's not like you get regular messages when a holiday is coming up: "Anna, will you please bake something delicious?"

Yes, it certainly is! I don't even have to say - if I have to visit, I will always make something delicious.

Until recently, because of the national emergency, we were not allowed to visit. What was this time of homesickness like for you - did you feel more motivated or, on the contrary, did you find it harder to commit to an active lifestyle and indulge in laziness more often?

My time at COVID19 has only affected me for the better. I have focused much more on myself and my interests.

Have you managed to miss your schoolmates?

To be honest, I don't really want to go to school, I just want to meet friends. I much prefer studying from home because I'm used to it.

No problem with self-discipline? Can you give some advice to those who find it difficult to study at home?

I wouldn't say it was very easy for me to discipline myself and force myself to study, but I tried to do it. Just remember that no one else will sit your exams for you and finish school!

You are from a generation that grew up with social media, so I ask you, do you think it is easy for girls to feel self-sufficient and good enough in this age of social media?

I think this is a question that a lot of girls have. I used to be one of those girls who watched and listened to all the rubbish. You have to understand that not everything on the internet is true and not everything can be believed.

In Norway, there is a law that will require influencers to inform their followers about the use of image processing software. As a content creator who does not process her pictures with Photoshopwould you support the introduction of such a law in Latvia?

Hmm, interesting question. I think I would not support such a law because, well, let the internet remain its little "artificial" reality.

Are there any Instagram accounts that you think are worth following?

I really like @healthylivinglv, @edamskaisti, @ms.svece, @uzlabo - I think these are profiles worth following.

And which people inspire you outside the internet?

My family and myself inspire me, of course.

What have you learnt from your parents that you would like to take with you into your adult life?

Definitely independence. I was taught from a young age that others will do nothing for you, and that you have to be responsible for your own actions and words.

And finally, a slightly frivolous question. Imagine you could live on just 5 foods for a month - what would they be?

Hmmm, definitely eggs, chicken, cucumbers, cheese and chocolate.

Your wish for young people in the new school year?

I wish everyone to stay strong and motivated to learn! I wish the same for myself.

We thank Anna very much for talking to us, wish her a successful new school year and look forward to the day when her cookbook will be on the shelves of bookshops.

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